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Python: Creating Secure Hashes/Message Digests using hashlib module

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Creating Secure Hashes/Message Digests in Python using hashlib module

Creating Secure Hashes/Message Digests in Python using hashlib module

The builtin hashlib module provides an interface to create secure hashes/message digests of algorithms such as SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 & RSA’s MD5. Each of these algorithms has a corresponding class in the module, the constructors of which, along with its hexdigest() methods produces secure hashes/message digests. The input is in bytes form and output is in hexadecimal digits.

>>> import hashlib 

# sha1 hash 
>>> hashlib.sha1(b"DjangoSpin: Articles for Pythonistas").hexdigest() 

# sha256 hash 
>>> hashlib.sha256(b"DjangoSpin: Articles for Pythonistas").hexdigest()  	

# MD5 hash 
>>> hashlib.md5(b"DjangoSpin: Articles for Pythonistas").hexdigest() 

See also:

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