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PyPro #46 Generator of Multiples of 7

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Generator of Multiples of 7 in Python

Generator of Multiples of 7 in Python

Generator of Multiples of 7: Write a generator function which yields multiples of 7 lying between 0 and a given number.

Generator of Multiples of 7

def generatorOfMultiplesOf7(upperBound):
	for number in range(1, upperBound + 1):
		if number % 7 == 0:
			yield number
upperBound = input("Please enter the number up until which you want multiples of 7: ")
generatorObject = generatorOfMultiplesOf7(int(upperBound))
print(next(generatorObject))							# 7
print(next(generatorObject))							# 14
print(next(generatorObject))							# 21

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